A show focused on the future of work as we continue to navigate through the most dynamic period of our lifetimes.
We’ll talk to the practitioners, with 100,000s of newly empowered employees, looking for a different relationship with their employer.
We’ll talk to the technology providers, who are responding to this changing demand with new tools leveraging the latest in AI and ML.
We’ll explore the impacts of the rising tide of gig workers, solopreneurs, consultants and 1099 services that enable them to cater to a global market.
We’ll talk to the academics, authors, and thought leaders who are helping us all get a better handle on what’s really going on, and what it means to each of us.
Our goal is to bring you the human story behind the issues, the context, and the relevance in the spirit of sharing best practices and experience so we can all contribute to making the future of work better for people, organizations, and our world.
Work 20XX is brought to you by Webex by Cisco
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All Episodes"AI with its great promise, offers two different potential outcomes for us when we think about the employee life." Connie Noonan Hadley
Lean into it. This is not going away. You have to lean into it because it's going to change your life whether you like it or not. - Chet Kapoor
For the first time since the pandemic, it feels like we're in a more normal market, in a more normal environment, much more stable. That was a huge sentiment shift. - Julie Whelan
Moodsonic is all about using the power of sound for good ... That shared audio space, because it's such a hard problem. That's our niche that we're focused on. - Evan Benway
We make global hiring as easy as local hiring ... So people can stay in their home countries, access these amazing job opportunities that the world can offer. - Tony Jamous
Technology adoption, especially around AI, the things that are going to drive success in it, are exactly the same things that drive success in flexible work adoption. - Brian Elliott
We are going to be continuously working across distance nationally, internationally, globally, and we need to get more comfortable with that. - Sacha Connor
I decided that was going to be my North Star, that freedom and flexibility were going to be a part of my career. And I was going to prioritize that over all else. - Chase Warrington
What is the magic trick I can use to get people’s minds off the narrow route they’ve been traveling down for the last 100 years, and think about different ways of getting the same stuff done with less energy use, with less air pollution, or less global warming. - Jack Nilles
Jacques Derrida said there is no culture without a culture of hospitality, it is who we are as humans, it sets the tone for everything else. You could argue that everything should be based on hospitality, especially in the workplace - Michelle Ossmann
The challenge of unlearning today is what are the things that worked for me as a leader in 2018 in that example that were great in 2018, and I should celebrate them and then have a wake for them because the environment in 2024 is different and they're irrelevant. - Dominic Price
So that's where the empathy is, it's about what is going to help each one of us be most effective and then really supporting that. And that includes helping you be self-aware about what works for you. - Sophie Wade
There is a blind spot between what leaders are asking people to do and what people are actually doing - Nellie Hayat
The biggest reason for hybrid ... when I talk to execs, the bottom line is really recruitment and retention - Nick Bloom
Companies often pay a premium for additional agility, the ability to pivot when things get tough. Radious allows that agility, flex up or down based on requirements for office or meeting space - Amina Moreau
'Well, how do we figure out which companies are hybrid and in what capacity?' Funny enough, not only did we not know the answer to that question, but we figured out that few people knew the answer to that question. That data just wasn't available, and it was important to a lot of different people. - Rob Sadow
The icing on the cake: Employees who say that the teams that they work on have very clearly established norms for not just where and when, but how the work is done ... are almost three and a half times more likely to agree that your work culture is positive. Phil Kirschner
The biggest difference from last year is that organizations are making some decisions, is that there is absolutely a parting of the seas happening.
The data show that people who have flexibility in where and when they work are actually more connected to their teams than those that are five days a week in the office. It says, I trust you. And nothing builds connection like trust in the first place.
You're able to consume that information understand where somebody else might be coming from, and then you can incorporate that into your own thinking, which to me is one of the most powerful aspects of LinkedIn, is just having that access to those new ideas - Andreas Hoffbauer
It's episode 13 and I'm a little bit superstitious, not super superstitious. I do knock on wood now and then, and I never mention lack of traffic until I reach my destination, but I'm never quite sure how superstitious the guest might be. So for episode 13, we're just going to go solo. - Jeff Frick
In the federal government, it's been a mandate since 2000 that every federal worker is supposed to work from home to the maximum extent possible. It's for continuity of operations in case, say, a pandemic hit and people weren't able to go to work. - Kate Lister
If you hold the long term view, that you believe the capital market side of the business will actually catch up and start to value these shorter term cash flows in the way that they should - Dave Cairns
I'm a coach. I'm a parent, I do know how to take lessons from those places and apply them in other avenues and other venues … There is zero gating on deciding to learn something new. - Forget permission, just start doing the things you intend to do
I just feel like there's been a group of us who have been kind of really reticent and scared of the change when we actually should be super excited about this is growing our future and our scope and the amount of influence that we can have in a company like we now have a seat at the table for how people work moving forward. - Tracy Hawkins
As an experienced analyst, and host of her own Hybrid Work podcast, I was excited to welcome this force multiplying guest, Maribel Lopez, Founder & Principal Analyst, Lopez Research to Work 20XX.
Adrienne’s college summer internship sweeping the streets of Disney World turned into a 20+ year career where she developed many of the foundational values that continue to surface today, starting with the connected threesome of the customer, the product or experience, and the employee. Purposeful attention to detail centered on the customer’s experience defines the perception of the company in the customer’s mind.
What happens when the increasing demands for flexibility and agility collide with what has historically be a pretty static, inflexible asset, the office? You might be surprised at the magic available beyond the cubicle and traditional floor plan.
Bad meetings are the bane of the modern working world. The back-to-back, uninterrupted energy crushers have only gotten worse over the last two years. Shani Harmon, Co-Founder & CEO of 'Stop Meeting Like This' shows us the path to a better way.
In Episode 4, we dive into the art of the one-on-one, with a master of the art, PayPal’s Chief Audit Executive Dave Montez. Dave shares his method for building a trusting culture across an globally distributes 80+ person team by over-indexing on one-on-ones, in a way I’v never heard before.
In this episode, we explore the world of Design, Real Estate, and Facilities through the eyes of long-time industry veteran Ryan Anderson, Vice President, Global Research & Insights, MillerKnoll. No surprise, these professionals are moving from cost center/efficiency thinking to a more human-centric, and ‘seat-at-the-table’, rethinking their resources.
In this far-ranging conversation, Meg shares her take on the factors behind the great resignation, what hybrid really means, and the fact that organizations need to get better at responding to change.
To kick off the show, who better to have on than the undisputed expert on distributed teams, Darren Murph, Head of Remote for GitLab.
A show focused on the future of work as we continue to navigate through the most dynamic period of our lifetimes,
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